
Pastor Joe cracks the not-so-secret code to pleasing God — it’s our faith. But not a burdensome faith filled with striving and self-condemnation. In Hebrews 10, it says that we are to draw near to God in the full assurance of faith, and that faith is the way that we approach God when we know our sins are forgiven, and we know we’re welcome in his presence. In Hebrews 11, it says that without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Now, think about this: if it pleases God when you come to him that way – aware that your sins are forgiven, and that you’re welcome in the presence of God, exactly as you are – then he must want you to come that way. It’s the traditions of man and our own insecurity that make a simple formula more complicated.

Under the old covenant, the command was “Do, and you shall live.” Under the new covenant, now we “live, and you shall do.” But religion tells us we need to do something to please God; that God’s reluctant to bless anyone unless they jump through all the right hoops. But Jesus jumped through all the hoops and opened the way to bring you through with him. Hallelujah!

Mp3s in this series:

Pleasing God #1, Bringing Delight to the Father’s Heart
Pleasing God #2, Unseen Realities
Pleasing God #3, Drawing Near Part 1
Pleasing God #4, Drawing Near Part 2
Pleasing God #5, Delighting God
Pleasing God #6, The Unseen Realm
Pleasing God #7, Obtaining Mercy
Pleasing God #8, God Is Able

Eight part series as MP3’s.