Many lives have been changed by the truths in the Traditions That Hinder Healing Series. Many have been enabled to receive healing where they previously were hindered. Many believers are hindered in their quest for healing by unrecognized traditional ideas. In this series many of these traditions are examined and an alternative view is presented. Possibly the most common tradition that hinders healing is a misunderstanding of God’s sovereignty. This concept is looked at and compared with a New Testament standard as revealed in Christ’s earthly ministry.

Another tradition that hinders many is Paul’s thorn in the flesh. This, too, is examined and another view of the passage is suggested. The chastening of the Lord is also examined and the place of suffering in the life of the believer. All of these areas are examined in the light of the ministry of Jesus. Many lives have been changed by the truths in this series. Many have been enabled to receive healing where they previously were hindered.

This part five of a seven part series.