• The What To Do When the Heat’s On Series offers some practical steps to take in the time of testing. Challenging times always come. Jesus didn't promise us a life without trials. He did, however, promise us victory in our trials. Based on 1 Peter 5:6-10, Joe shares how to get through these times of hardship without caving in, but rather appropriating God's abundant grace to overcome. Five part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part one of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part ten of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part eleven of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part twelve of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part two of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part three of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part four of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part five of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part six of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part seven of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part eight of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. This is part nine of a twelve part series.
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. Twelve part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Who We Are In Christ audiobook is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. Many in the church today struggle with a sense of unworthiness and inadequacy. They are aware of all their weaknesses and shortcomings. They have very little confidence toward God because they think He regards them in the light of their failures (Or, perhaps we should say darkness). God has changed the nature of man. The greatest miracle that God does is the New Birth. God, our Father, takes out of us the nature that was antagonistic to Him by sending it to the Cross with Jesus, then makes us alive together with Him in His resurrection. "Old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new. And all things are of God." (2Cor. 5:17, 18) This book points believer to the liberating truths surrounding what our Father has done for us through the finished work of Christ. Who and what we are is now perfectly acceptable to our Father. Righteousness is His gift to us. We are His workmanship, recreated in Christ. We have entered into the reality of our Eternal Identity in Christ. But do we know deeply it enough for it to change the way we talk and live? This book gives us the tools to make these Realities workable in our lives. This is the full audiobook on MP3.
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