• Many believers wrestle with much inconsistency in their walk with the Lord. Is there a cure for this? Joe McIntyre believes there is. In this book, Joe lays seven foundational stones from God's Word that will establish the believer in the Gospel of grace. These truths reveal the heart of the Father towards His children.
  • The writings of E.W. Kenyon have blessed and encouraged a multitude of readers. In recent years, some who dislike his teaching have accused him of mixing metaphysics with Biblical Christianity. In fact, few authors have been misrepresented and falsely accused as much as E.W. Kenyon. This book examines the claims of his critics and provides evidence that refutes their misguided assertions. The majority of the defense of Kenyon's theology comes from his own published and unpublished works. In this way, Kenyon is allowed to respond to his critics by his own testimony regarding who really influenced him. Many influential Evangelical leaders of the late nineteenth century helped shape his theology and these men and women are given credit by Kenyon in his writings. Click here for a video from Joe McIntyre on how E.W. Kenyon changed his life and future ministry, and how you will be encouraged by this book. Length: 421 Pages
  • The Abiding In the Fathers Love book points us to the Word and what it says about our great privileges in Christ. God has provided in Christ the means of entering into both relationship and fellowship with Him. We are to learn to rest in His love and minister out of the place of abiding. One of the most life-changing truths that we can experience is the amazing fact that the God of the Universe, God the Judge of all, loves us intensely. Compelled by His own nature, He has provided the means by which we can find total acceptance in His presence. In His grace, based on the Finished Work of His Son, we can walk with a holy God without any condemnation. We have been accepted in the Beloved Son of God. So much Christian service is a striving to find acceptance before God. Real Christian living begins when we find the place of rest in His presence and our works then flow out of our Relationship and Fellowship with our Father God. This series points us to the Word and what it says about our great privileges in Christ.
  • Kingdom Warriors

    Kingdom Warriors is an unveiling of the armor that the Lord has given us to win in the battles of life. In this revised and expanded version the items of our armor are examined and practical instructions are given for appropriating the individual pieces. Since they are all in the spirit realm they must be appropriated by faith. Having put on this armor, we then can stand, fight and win— whatever battles we face. As the Conybeare translation of Ephesians 6:14 puts it, “having overthrown them all, we stand unshaken.” Our Father wants us to overcome and encourage others with the testimony of our victory. This book will show you how.
  • Throne Life

    Joe McIntyre's Throne Life book is about the believer’s participation in the throne of Christ and His authority. Jesus now has all authority in heaven and earth. The amazing thing about this fact is that He willingly shared this dominion with us. Part of our inheritance in Christ is to partner with Him in His rulership in the earth. Each of us has a sphere of responsibility in life over which we are instructed to reign (Rom. 5:17). As we grow up in Christ our revelation of Him increases and our faith grows accordingly. As our faith grows we exercise increasing dominion. This book is about how we enter in and possess the land of Throne Life.
  • War Over the Word

    Joe McIntyre's War Over the Word Book discusses principles that govern our receiving. They are revealed in the Parable of the Sower. They are life-changing Truths that lift the veil and reveal both the strategy of God and the strategy of the Enemy. Many believers are not sure why things happen in their lives. Jesus answers these questions in the Parable. The seed of God's Word is the source of victory - if it is allowed to bring forth the fruit God intends. As a believer in Jesus, you have been enlisted into the drama of the conflict of the ages. God has made every provision for us to overcome the Adversary and all the adversity he sends our way. Christ's Finished Work perfectly meets the needs of every believer in every circumstance. The provision is in the promises. All the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ. We are His joint-heirs. There are principles that govern our receiving. They are revealed in the Parable of the Sower. They are life-changing Truths that lift the veil and reveal both the strategy of God and the strategy of the Enemy. Many believers are not sure why things happen in their lives. Jesus answers these questions in the Parable. The seed of God's Word is the source of victory - if it is allowed to bring forth the fruit God intends. How do we protect the seed and get it's harvest? Jesus answers this in this Parable. Many believers testify that this teaching has radically changed the way they understand and walk out their Christian life. God has ordained our victory. These Kingdom Principles are keys to that victory.
  • Who We Are in Christ

    The Who We Are In Christ Book points the believer to the liberating truths surrounding what our Father has done for us through the Finished Work of Christ. Who and what we are is now perfectly acceptable to our Father. Righteousness is His gift to us.  We are His workmanship, recreated in Christ. We have entered into the Reality of our Eternal Identity in Christ. But do we know it deeply enough so it changes the way we walk and live? This book gives us the tools to make these Realities workable in our lives.
  • Healing by Faith

    Healing by Faith is an examination of many nineteenth century Evangelical leaders and how they came to embrace divine healing. There truly was a great move of God in this period that understood faith as the key to receiving sanctification, healing and answered prayer. In the Holiness movement, faith was the key to being sanctified. A theology of receiving by faith marked the lives of the participants of this movement, whether in the Methodist wing or the Reformed wing of hungry Evangelicals. It is hoped that many reading of this wonderful move of the Spirit will reexamine their understanding of both faith and healing and begin to pray effectively for the sick. The many men and women cited in this book may also encourage the faith of those looking to the Lord for healing.
  • Many in the Church are waiting for Jesus to return to defeat the devil and to set up His Kingdom. The premise of this book is that both of these events have already taken place. In His resurrection and enthronement Jesus was made the Son of God with power. All authority in heaven and ON EARTH was given to Him then. He is now in the process of bringing many sons and daughters into the same glory He now possesses. This book is a challenge to the pessimism of the modern Church and a vision of the believer’s authority and right to enforce Satan’s defeat NOW!
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