Throne Life


Joe McIntyre’s Throne Life book is about the believer’s participation in the throne of Christ and His authority. Jesus now has all authority in heaven and earth. The amazing thing about this fact is that He willingly shared this dominion with us. Part of our inheritance in Christ is to partner with Him in His rulership in the earth. Each of us has a sphere of responsibility in life over which we are instructed to reign (Rom. 5:17).

As we grow up in Christ our revelation of Him increases and our faith grows accordingly. As our faith grows we exercise increasing dominion. This book is about how we enter in and possess the land of Throne Life.

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“I am so glad that Throne Life is now ready for the public. I believe if we could ground our new converts in the truth of this teaching, they would not have so many problems in their spiritual walk. I believe this book should be a foundational teaching for not only for new believers, but also for our leaders. This truth had a powerful influence upon the Baptist pastor A. J. Gordon, a leader in the Faith Cure movement. I highly recommend this book to all Christians … Buy Throne Life and read it for a great breakthrough in your spiritual life and understanding.” 

Randy Clark
Global Awakening, Mechanicsburg, PA
Excerpt from book’s Forward

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Book Type

E-book – Mobi file (Kindle), E-book – Epub file (Nook), Paperback


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