• Deliverance From Occult Oppression explains pre-conversion occult involvement can leave an open door for oppression in a believer’s life. They are unaware how this involvement in the occult or their ancestors' involvement can leave a door open for demonic oppression in their lives. This tape explains why this is so and how to effectively close these doors forever. Listen to a sample: .  
  • Divine Healing the Basics Series examines the Bible doctrine of healing as it is set forth in the Word of God. Many in the Church today, have had no systematic teaching on Divine Healing. The series also challenges many of the traditional ideas about healing and shows the Biblical response to these faith-destroying concepts. One woman reported that she was healed of cancer after listening to this series.
    1. The Source of Sickness
    2. Sin and Sickness
    3. Healing In Redemption
    4. Healing In Redemption Part 2
    5. Is Healing for All?
    6. Redeemed from the Curse of Sickness
    Six part series as MP3's.  Outlines are included. Listen to a sample:
  • Doctors Medicine and Faith Series encourages people to walk in humility and receive the help they can get from doctors and medicine yet still press on to learn and receive divine healing. Much help has been received from the medical profession. Sometimes people feel as if they are failing God if they go to the doctor. One Audio MP3 File with PDF Outline Listen to a sample:
  • In the Forgiveness and Healing series, Joe McIntyre discusses how one of the great stumbling blocks to healing is unforgiveness. Sometimes people find it very difficult to face and deal with what others have done to them. It is necessary in many cases to resolve these issues in order to receive healing. Forgiveness is "enlightened self-interest". Five part series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:
  • The Healing Spiritual Diseases series is practical instruction on how to resolve spiritual sickness. Many times people are physically sick out of guilt, shame or feelings of unworthiness. In order to receive physical healing they must first receive healing from these spiritual diseases. One Audio MP3 File Listen to a sample:
  • The Point of Contact discusses how the woman with the issue of blood used the hem of Jesus' garment as a point of contact to receive her healing. Jesus commended her faith. A point of contact can be a great aid to your faith. One Audio MP3 File Listen to a sample:
  • Many lives have been changed by the truths in the Traditions That Hinder Healing Series. Many have been enabled to receive healing where they previously were hindered. Many believers are hindered in their quest for healing by unrecognized traditional ideas. In this series many of these traditions are examined and an alternative view is presented. Possibly the most common tradition that hinders healing is a misunderstanding of God's sovereignty. This concept is looked at and compared with a New Testament standard as revealed in Christ's earthly ministry. Another tradition that hinders many is Paul's thorn in the flesh. This, too, is examined and another view of the passage is suggested. The chastening of the Lord is also examined and the place of suffering in the life of the believer. All of these areas are examined in the light of the ministry of Jesus. Many lives have been changed by the truths in this series. Many have been enabled to receive healing where they previously were hindered.
    1. The Sovereignty of God
    2. What About Suffering
    3. Chastening of the Lord
    4. Plumbline
    5. What About Job-1
    6. What About Job-2
    7. Paul's Thorn in the Flesh
    Seven Part Series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:  
  • The Blood Covenant series is about how the understanding of the Blood Covenant could be considered one of the most important concepts to grasp in all of Scripture. The entire Bible is based on Blood Covenant. The New Covenant is the ultimate Blood Covenant sealed in the blood of the divine Son of God. Eight part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:  
  • The Blood Covenant series is about how the understanding of the Blood Covenant could be considered one of the most important concepts to grasp in all of Scripture. The entire Bible is based on Blood Covenant. The New Covenant is the ultimate Blood Covenant sealed in the blood of the divine Son of God. This is part one of a eight part series.  
  • The Blood Covenant series is about how the understanding of the Blood Covenant could be considered one of the most important concepts to grasp in all of Scripture. The entire Bible is based on Blood Covenant. The New Covenant is the ultimate Blood Covenant sealed in the blood of the divine Son of God. This is part two of a eight part series.  
  • The Blood Covenant series is about how the understanding of the Blood Covenant could be considered one of the most important concepts to grasp in all of Scripture. The entire Bible is based on Blood Covenant. The New Covenant is the ultimate Blood Covenant sealed in the blood of the divine Son of God. This is part three of a eight part series.  
  • The Blood Covenant series is about how the understanding of the Blood Covenant could be considered one of the most important concepts to grasp in all of Scripture. The entire Bible is based on Blood Covenant. The New Covenant is the ultimate Blood Covenant sealed in the blood of the divine Son of God. This is part four of a eight part series.  
  • The Blood Covenant series is about how the understanding of the Blood Covenant could be considered one of the most important concepts to grasp in all of Scripture. The entire Bible is based on Blood Covenant. The New Covenant is the ultimate Blood Covenant sealed in the blood of the divine Son of God. This is part five of a eight part series.  
  • The Blood Covenant series is about how the understanding of the Blood Covenant could be considered one of the most important concepts to grasp in all of Scripture. The entire Bible is based on Blood Covenant. The New Covenant is the ultimate Blood Covenant sealed in the blood of the divine Son of God. This is part six of a eight part series.  
  • The Blood Covenant series is about how the understanding of the Blood Covenant could be considered one of the most important concepts to grasp in all of Scripture. The entire Bible is based on Blood Covenant. The New Covenant is the ultimate Blood Covenant sealed in the blood of the divine Son of God. This is part seven of a eight part series.  
  • The Blood Covenant series is about how the understanding of the Blood Covenant could be considered one of the most important concepts to grasp in all of Scripture. The entire Bible is based on Blood Covenant. The New Covenant is the ultimate Blood Covenant sealed in the blood of the divine Son of God. This is part eight of a eight part series.  
  • This series continues on the foundation laid by the series The Blood Covenant. Taking the concept of Blood Covenant into the New Covenant and seeing why we have a better Covenant based on better promises. Very edifying and encouraging. Eight part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • This series continues on the foundation laid by the series The Blood Covenant. Taking the concept of Blood Covenant into the New Covenant and seeing why we have a better Covenant based on better promises. Very edifying and encouraging. This is part one of a eight part series.
  • This series continues on the foundation laid by the series The Blood Covenant. Taking the concept of Blood Covenant into the New Covenant and seeing why we have a better Covenant based on better promises. Very edifying and encouraging. This is part two of a eight part series.
  • This series continues on the foundation laid by the series The Blood Covenant. Taking the concept of Blood Covenant into the New Covenant and seeing why we have a better Covenant based on better promises. Very edifying and encouraging. This is part three of a eight part series.
  • This series continues on the foundation laid by the series The Blood Covenant. Taking the concept of Blood Covenant into the New Covenant and seeing why we have a better Covenant based on better promises. Very edifying and encouraging. This is part four of a eight part series.
  • This series continues on the foundation laid by the series The Blood Covenant. Taking the concept of Blood Covenant into the New Covenant and seeing why we have a better Covenant based on better promises. Very edifying and encouraging. This is part five of a eight part series.
  • This series continues on the foundation laid by the series The Blood Covenant. Taking the concept of Blood Covenant into the New Covenant and seeing why we have a better Covenant based on better promises. Very edifying and encouraging. This is part six of a eight part series.
  • This series continues on the foundation laid by the series The Blood Covenant. Taking the concept of Blood Covenant into the New Covenant and seeing why we have a better Covenant based on better promises. Very edifying and encouraging. This is part seven of a eight part series.
  • This series continues on the foundation laid by the series The Blood Covenant. Taking the concept of Blood Covenant into the New Covenant and seeing why we have a better Covenant based on better promises. Very edifying and encouraging. This is part eight of a eight part series.
  • The Our Covenant with God Series is about how many today do not realize that they are covenant partners with Almighty God. It is His desire to bring us into the security of knowing that all His promises are all Yes and Amen in Christ. Many today have substituted a belief in God's sovereignty for a living faith in God's covenant faithfulness. They passively accept whatever comes into their lives as though it was the will of God when they have a book full of God's promises that clearly reveal what His will really is. Seven part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Our Covenant with God Series is about how many today do not realize that they are covenant partners with Almighty God. It is His desire to bring us into the security of knowing that all His promises are all Yes and Amen in Christ. Many today have substituted a belief in God's sovereignty for a living faith in God's covenant faithfulness. They passively accept whatever comes into their lives as though it was the will of God when they have a book full of God's promises that clearly reveal what His will really is. This part one of a seven part series.
  • The Our Covenant with God Series is about how many today do not realize that they are covenant partners with Almighty God. It is His desire to bring us into the security of knowing that all His promises are all Yes and Amen in Christ. Many today have substituted a belief in God's sovereignty for a living faith in God's covenant faithfulness. They passively accept whatever comes into their lives as though it was the will of God when they have a book full of God's promises that clearly reveal what His will really is. This part two of a seven part series.
  • The Our Covenant with God Series is about how many today do not realize that they are covenant partners with Almighty God. It is His desire to bring us into the security of knowing that all His promises are all Yes and Amen in Christ. Many today have substituted a belief in God's sovereignty for a living faith in God's covenant faithfulness. They passively accept whatever comes into their lives as though it was the will of God when they have a book full of God's promises that clearly reveal what His will really is. This part three of a seven part series.
  • The Our Covenant with God Series is about how many today do not realize that they are covenant partners with Almighty God. It is His desire to bring us into the security of knowing that all His promises are all Yes and Amen in Christ. Many today have substituted a belief in God's sovereignty for a living faith in God's covenant faithfulness. They passively accept whatever comes into their lives as though it was the will of God when they have a book full of God's promises that clearly reveal what His will really is. This part four of a seven part series.
  • The Our Covenant with God Series is about how many today do not realize that they are covenant partners with Almighty God. It is His desire to bring us into the security of knowing that all His promises are all Yes and Amen in Christ. Many today have substituted a belief in God's sovereignty for a living faith in God's covenant faithfulness. They passively accept whatever comes into their lives as though it was the will of God when they have a book full of God's promises that clearly reveal what His will really is. This part five of a seven part series.
  • The Our Covenant with God Series is about how many today do not realize that they are covenant partners with Almighty God. It is His desire to bring us into the security of knowing that all His promises are all Yes and Amen in Christ. Many today have substituted a belief in God's sovereignty for a living faith in God's covenant faithfulness. They passively accept whatever comes into their lives as though it was the will of God when they have a book full of God's promises that clearly reveal what His will really is. This part six of a seven part series.
  • The Our Covenant with God Series is about how many today do not realize that they are covenant partners with Almighty God. It is His desire to bring us into the security of knowing that all His promises are all Yes and Amen in Christ. Many today have substituted a belief in God's sovereignty for a living faith in God's covenant faithfulness. They passively accept whatever comes into their lives as though it was the will of God when they have a book full of God's promises that clearly reveal what His will really is. This part seven of a seven part series.
  • Many believers don't realize that we are redeemed from the curse of the Law and are inheritors with Abraham in his promised blessing. Abraham's blessing was on every area of life: spiritual, physical, financial and relational. In Abraham's Seed - Christ Jesus - all the families of the earth are to be blessed. In this life! Understanding the blessing of Abraham opens up our minds to expect the Lord to do great things for us in remembrance of His covenant. This is part one of a six part series.
  • Many believers don't realize that we are redeemed from the curse of the Law and are inheritors with Abraham in his promised blessing. Abraham's blessing was on every area of life: spiritual, physical, financial and relational. In Abraham's Seed - Christ Jesus - all the families of the earth are to be blessed. In this life! Understanding the blessing of Abraham opens up our minds to expect the Lord to do great things for us in remembrance of His covenant. This is part two of a six part series.
  • Many believers don't realize that we are redeemed from the curse of the Law and are inheritors with Abraham in his promised blessing. Abraham's blessing was on every area of life: spiritual, physical, financial and relational. In Abraham's Seed - Christ Jesus - all the families of the earth are to be blessed. In this life! Understanding the blessing of Abraham opens up our minds to expect the Lord to do great things for us in remembrance of His covenant. This is part three of a six part series.
  • Many believers don't realize that we are redeemed from the curse of the Law and are inheritors with Abraham in his promised blessing. Abraham's blessing was on every area of life: spiritual, physical, financial and relational. In Abraham's Seed - Christ Jesus - all the families of the earth are to be blessed. In this life! Understanding the blessing of Abraham opens up our minds to expect the Lord to do great things for us in remembrance of His covenant. This is part four of a six part series.
  • Many believers don't realize that we are redeemed from the curse of the Law and are inheritors with Abraham in his promised blessing. Abraham's blessing was on every area of life: spiritual, physical, financial and relational. In Abraham's Seed - Christ Jesus - all the families of the earth are to be blessed. In this life! Understanding the blessing of Abraham opens up our minds to expect the Lord to do great things for us in remembrance of His covenant. This is part six of a six part series.
  • Many believers don't realize that we are redeemed from the curse of the Law and are inheritors with Abraham in his promised blessing. Abraham's blessing was on every area of life: spiritual, physical, financial and relational. In Abraham's Seed - Christ Jesus - all the families of the earth are to be blessed. In this life! Understanding the blessing of Abraham opens up our minds to expect the Lord to do great things for us in remembrance of His covenant. Six part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • Many believers don't realize that we are redeemed from the curse of the Law and are inheritors with Abraham in his promised blessing. Abraham's blessing was on every area of life: spiritual, physical, financial and relational. In Abraham's Seed - Christ Jesus - all the families of the earth are to be blessed. In this life! Understanding the blessing of Abraham opens up our minds to expect the Lord to do great things for us in remembrance of His covenant. This is part five of a six part series.
  • In the Avoiding Prophetic Pitfalls Series, Pastor Joe McIntyre discusses how prophetic people and intercessors can avoid common mistakes that cause leaders to distrust them. Many prophetic people and intercessors fall into ideas that hinder their effectiveness and cause leaders to distrust them. Learn how to develop a good relationship with leaders who aren’t prophetic and are suspicious of intercessors. Two part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • In the Avoiding Prophetic Pitfalls Series, Pastor Joe McIntyre discusses how prophetic people and intercessors can avoid common mistakes that cause leaders to distrust them. Many prophetic people and intercessors fall into ideas that hinder their effectiveness and cause leaders to distrust them. Learn how to develop a good relationship with leaders who aren’t prophetic and are suspicious of intercessors. This part one of a two part series.
  • In the Avoiding Prophetic Pitfalls Series, Pastor Joe McIntyre discusses how prophetic people and intercessors can avoid common mistakes that cause leaders to distrust them. Many prophetic people and intercessors fall into ideas that hinder their effectiveness and cause leaders to distrust them. Learn how to develop a good relationship with leaders who aren’t prophetic and are suspicious of intercessors. This part two of a two part series.
  • The very important Blood Covenant Intercession series outlines the tremendous value of just one covenant-minded intercessor. If Abraham, in a covenant not as good as ours, could have saved Sodom and Gomorrah had there been just 10 righteous in the city, what could a New Covenant intercessor accomplish by the blood of the Everlasting Covenant? This series looks into the answer to that question. Five part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The very important Blood Covenant Intercession series outlines the tremendous value of just one covenant-minded intercessor. If Abraham, in a covenant not as good as ours, could have saved Sodom and Gomorrah had there been just 10 righteous in the city, what could a New Covenant intercessor accomplish by the blood of the Everlasting Covenant? This series looks into the answer to that question. This part one of a five part series.
  • The very important Blood Covenant Intercession series outlines the tremendous value of just one covenant-minded intercessor. If Abraham, in a covenant not as good as ours, could have saved Sodom and Gomorrah had there been just 10 righteous in the city, what could a New Covenant intercessor accomplish by the blood of the Everlasting Covenant? This series looks into the answer to that question. This part two of a five part series.
  • The very important Blood Covenant Intercession series outlines the tremendous value of just one covenant-minded intercessor. If Abraham, in a covenant not as good as ours, could have saved Sodom and Gomorrah had there been just 10 righteous in the city, what could a New Covenant intercessor accomplish by the blood of the Everlasting Covenant? This series looks into the answer to that question. This part three of a five part series.
  • The very important Blood Covenant Intercession series outlines the tremendous value of just one covenant-minded intercessor. If Abraham, in a covenant not as good as ours, could have saved Sodom and Gomorrah had there been just 10 righteous in the city, what could a New Covenant intercessor accomplish by the blood of the Everlasting Covenant? This series looks into the answer to that question. This part four of a five part series.
  • The very important Blood Covenant Intercession series outlines the tremendous value of just one covenant-minded intercessor. If Abraham, in a covenant not as good as ours, could have saved Sodom and Gomorrah had there been just 10 righteous in the city, what could a New Covenant intercessor accomplish by the blood of the Everlasting Covenant? This series looks into the answer to that question. This part five of a five part series.
  • The Key Messages for Intercessors series was born out of a desire to empower Northwest intercessors to rise up into their full potential as prayer warriors. Pastor McIntyre exposes the enemy of the advancing church, it's personal and territorial aspects. Titles Included: 1. Territorial Aspects of Jezebel 2. Jezebel and the Prophetic 3. Jezebel - The Prophet's Nemesis 4. NW Intercessors Gathering Four part series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:
  • The Key Messages for Intercessors series was born out of a desire to empower Northwest intercessors to rise up into their full potential as prayer warriors. Pastor McIntyre exposes the enemy of the advancing church, it's personal and territorial aspects. This is part one of a four part series.
  • The Key Messages for Intercessors series was born out of a desire to empower Northwest intercessors to rise up into their full potential as prayer warriors. Pastor McIntyre exposes the enemy of the advancing church, it's personal and territorial aspects. This is part two of a four part series.
  • The Key Messages for Intercessors series was born out of a desire to empower Northwest intercessors to rise up into their full potential as prayer warriors. Pastor McIntyre exposes the enemy of the advancing church, it's personal and territorial aspects. This is part three of a four part series.
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