• Titles Included: 1. Lack of Knowledge 2. Interpretive Key 3. The Image of God 4. Shadows and Redemption 5. The Need of an Incarnation 6. The Law Fulfilled 7. The Remedy of Cross 8. The Remedy of Cross Part 2 9. Forsaken 10. Gethsemane 11. The Trial of Jesus 12. The Sign of Jonah 13. The Last Adam 14. Our Union with Christ 15. Messiah Enthroned 16. All Things Under His Feet Sixteen part series as MP3’s.  Outlines included. Listen to a sample:
  • The Kingdom Warriors series examines in detail the individual pieces of armor and gives practical instruction on how to put them on and walk in the reality they describe. Many believers today are thrown about by the ups and downs of life. Jesus, in His earth walk, was clad in armor that His Father had provided. He has bequeathed that armor to us and it is our responsibility to understand what it is and to put it on. If we do, we will overcome all the schemes of the Devil and quench all his fiery darts. Titles Included: 1. Warrior King 2. Garments of Vengeance 3. A Decision of Faith 4. The Proclamation of the Provision 5. Gird Your Loins with Truth 6. The Breastplate of Righteousness 7. The Breastplate of Righteousness 8.To Shod Our Feet with the Gospel of Peace 9. The Shield of Faith 10. Helmet of Salvation 11. The Sword of the Spirit 12. Prayers of All Prayers Twelve part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Who We Are In Christ series is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. Twelve part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Throne Life Series taught by Joe McIntyre, is based on the 1888 classic book by George Peck entitled "Throne Life: The Highest Christian Life." This prophetic book was one of the first expressions of the truth of the believer's authority in Christ.  This series calls the believer to take his place seated with Christ in the heavenlies. Many practical insights into the warfare in our lives are uncovered. This teaching helps us understand why the warfare comes and what to do to resist it. Twelve part series as MP3’s.  Outlines are included. Listen to a sample:
  • This series of studies examines Paul’s teaching on the 9 gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. Joe takes each gift and focuses on it and its implications for the believer’s life. As he looks at each of the gifts, he encourages believers that the Holy Spirit is far more willing to manifest the gifts in our lives than most believers are currently exercising faith to have them in their lives. This series will encourage you to expect more from the Holy Spirit who lives in you. Titles Included: 1. The Gifts of the Spirit 2. Revelation Gift 3. A Word of Wisdom 4. Discerning of Spirit 5. The Gift of Faith 6. Working of Miracles 7. Gifts of Healing 8.  Different Kinds of Tongues 9. The Interpretation of Tongues 10. The Gift of Prophecy Ten part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Our Identification with Christ series covers an area of truth that is not much taught in the Body of Christ yet is a powerful reality. In the heart of the Father we were in and with Christ when He went to the cross, died, was buried, was made alive, raised up and enthroned at the Father's right hand. In some way that is beyond our unaided understanding, these things have become realities in our human spirit. Our old life is gone and brand new life has begun in Christ. Father decisively dealt with the Old Man. All things have become new in Christ. And all things are of God.  As our minds are renewed to understand our identification with Christ we move into the reality of New Creation Life. Titles Include: 1. Understanding 2. Crucified With Christ 3. We Died with Him 4. We Were Buried with Him 5. We Were Made Alive With Christ 6. We Were Raised up with Christ 7. We Were Enthroned With Christ 8. We Were Enthroned With Christ 9. We Were Anointed With Christ 10. Manifested with Christ Ten part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:  
  • In this series, Joe McIntyre uses examples from his own life and the lessons taught to him by the Lord to provide a check list for the believer to examine his or her own life and progress in the Lord. The theme running through the series is that in order to make disciples, we must know how to communicate what we have learned to others. It is not enough to walk in the Truth, we must know how to impart the Truth to others. Titles Include: 1. Religion, Rebellion or Reality? 2. Testifying and Giving Testimony 3. Baptised Into Christ 4. Receiving the Holy Spirit 5. Giving the Word First Place 6. The Father Heart of God 7. The Believer's Authority 8. Righteousness 9. Faith's Confession Nine part series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:
  • This series came to Joe McIntyre as a Word from the Lord. The Lord told Joe that the Church in the Northwest was like the Laodocian church in the book of Revelation. But, He said, a greater revelation of Jesus was always the answer for the Church. The Lord pointed to the aspects of His character and the three keys that bring the Church out of compromise into the shared authority of the throne of Christ. In these teachings Joe shares what the Lord showed him. Nine part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Word of His Grace series shows how Grace is the foundation of New Testament living. Without a clear understanding of grace we revert to law and legalism.  The Word of God's grace is powerful to build us up and lead us in to our inheritance in Christ. Grace is good news! Eight part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Favor of the Lord series is a wonderfully encouraging series about our place of favor in the Lord.  God's favor released upon us can change every circumstance.  How do we get God's favor to operate in our lives? This series looks at the good news about divine favor. Titles Included: 1. What is Favor 2. City Wide Meeting 3. Faith for Favor 4. Joseph: Favor in Adversity 5. Israel: Corporate Favor 6. Moses: Favor in Intercession 7. God's Oath of Blessing 8. Gideon: Favor for Miracles, Unity and Victory Eight part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • Many believers wrestle with much inconsistency in their walk with the Lord.  Is there a cure for this?  Joe McIntyre believes there is.  In this series Joe lays seven “foundation stones” from God’s Word that will establish the believer in the Gospel of grace.  These truths reveal the heart of the Father towards His children. Titles Included: 1. Established 2. Integrity of the Word 3. Reality of Redemption 4. Reality of the New Creation 5. Reality of Righteousness 6. Our Right to Use the Name of Jesus 7. Reality of the Indwelling Holy Spirit 8. Our Right to Fellowship with the Father Eight part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • Titles Included: 1. John’s Desire 2. Walking In the Light 3. In Him Was Life 4. Walking In the Light 5. Born From Above 6. In Him Was Life 7. Faith Is the Victory 8. Abiding In Christ Eight part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Abiding in the Father’s Love Series points us to the Word and what it says about our great privileges in Christ. Father God has provided in Christ the means of entering into both relationship and fellowship with Him. We are to learn to rest in His love and minister out of the place of abiding. One of the most life-changing truths that we can experience is the amazing fact that the God of the Universe, God the Judge of all, loves us intensely. Compelled by His own nature, He has provided the means by which we can find total acceptance in His presence. Eight part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • What about the End Times? Should we be fearful about the Anti-Christ, One World Government, the Mark of the Beast and the Great Tribulation? Is there another view of these events that fits the Scriptures without having to pull them out of context and change their Biblical meanings? This series examines the increasingly accepted view that Jesus and His Church are triumphant in history and He will return for a Glorious Church without spot, wrinkle or blemish. Titles Include: 1. The Coming of the Kingdom 2. The Coming of the Kingdom 3. How 's Your Vision? 4. The Coming of the Kingdom 5. The Great Tribulation 6. The Coming of the Kingdom 7. The Footstool for His Feet 8. The Land Eight part series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:
  • War Over the Word Series discusses how many believers don't understand how the enemy fears the power in the seed of God's Word. The battle over the Word being planted and bearing fruit in our lives can be venomous. Many have found the truths taught in this series to be life-changing. Eight part series as MP3’s. Titles Included: 1. Battle Is Over the Word 2. Battle Is Over the Word 3. Hearing the Word 4. Hearing the Word 5. Hearing the Word 6. War Over the Word 7. War Over the Word 8. War Over the Word Listen to a sample:  
  • This series continues on the foundation laid by the series The Blood Covenant. Taking the concept of Blood Covenant into the New Covenant and seeing why we have a better Covenant based on better promises. Very edifying and encouraging. Eight part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Blood Covenant series is about how the understanding of the Blood Covenant could be considered one of the most important concepts to grasp in all of Scripture. The entire Bible is based on Blood Covenant. The New Covenant is the ultimate Blood Covenant sealed in the blood of the divine Son of God. Eight part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:  
  • Many believers today do not fully appreciate what Father has done for them in the New Birth. The New Creation – the rebirth of the human spirit – is one of the greatest miracles Father has ever done. Our old life has passed away and we have become new on the inside. Father has given us His Righteousness through our union with Christ. We have Faith in our innermost being. Jesus has become our Wisdom. The Love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. In this series Joe McIntyre points out what the Word says about these marvelous manifestations of Grace. If you have wrestled with a sense of unworthiness and unfitness to stand before a holy God, this series will bring you freedom and deliverance. Eight part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Living Word is Christ. It is the revelation of Him that transforms us. God has chosen to use the written Word illuminated by the Holy Spirit as His primary way to increase our revelation of His Son. This series gives practical instruction in how to encounter the Living Word in the Scriptures. Titles Included: 1. Finding Life In the Word 2. The Veil Lifted 3. Life In the Promises 4. The Living Word 5. Eating the Word 6. Feeding On the Word 7. The Living Word Seven part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Our Covenant with God Series is about how many today do not realize that they are covenant partners with Almighty God. It is His desire to bring us into the security of knowing that all His promises are all Yes and Amen in Christ. Many today have substituted a belief in God's sovereignty for a living faith in God's covenant faithfulness. They passively accept whatever comes into their lives as though it was the will of God when they have a book full of God's promises that clearly reveal what His will really is. Seven part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • Many lives have been changed by the truths in the Traditions That Hinder Healing Series. Many have been enabled to receive healing where they previously were hindered. Many believers are hindered in their quest for healing by unrecognized traditional ideas. In this series many of these traditions are examined and an alternative view is presented. Possibly the most common tradition that hinders healing is a misunderstanding of God's sovereignty. This concept is looked at and compared with a New Testament standard as revealed in Christ's earthly ministry. Another tradition that hinders many is Paul's thorn in the flesh. This, too, is examined and another view of the passage is suggested. The chastening of the Lord is also examined and the place of suffering in the life of the believer. All of these areas are examined in the light of the ministry of Jesus. Many lives have been changed by the truths in this series. Many have been enabled to receive healing where they previously were hindered.
    1. The Sovereignty of God
    2. What About Suffering
    3. Chastening of the Lord
    4. Plumbline
    5. What About Job-1
    6. What About Job-2
    7. Paul's Thorn in the Flesh
    Seven Part Series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:  
  • The Dominion sermon series, recorded in 1983, is another example of how God's truths are timeless. This series will help you go from feeling feeling powerless to empowered. Defeated to victorious. Fearful to bold. And confident that your efforts to grow in your faith will be fruitful and not futile. In Joe's words: "About 10 years ago [1973], I was a spirit-filled, born again Christian … failure. Completely defeated. Knowing that Jesus was the truth but not having any idea how in the world to make it work. Not having any idea why I didn’t have any victory, why I didn’t have any power, why I didn’t have any boldness, why I didn’t have anything that the New Testament described. And I was sincere, and I really wanted to please God, and I was doing everything I knew to do to please God, it’s just that I didn’t know the right things to do. But I was sincere. And I was sincerely deceived by traditions of man, and felt sincerely defeated by the devil." Then, he had an encounter with the Lord and was directed to scriptures that empowered the believer to take dominion over enemy's influence in his life, and it changed everything. “Lord this is what I’ve needed to know! This is what I’ve needed to understand!”     Total air time: approx. 7 hours This series is a part of the Vintage Joe Vault, a selection of recordings from the 1980s converted into mp3 that represent "quintessential Joe" teachings -- revelations from the Lord, rooted in scripture, which shaped his ministry.
  • Glory at the Right Hand is a re-focusing of our attention to the transforming power of allowing the Spirit to unveil the resurrected, glorified Christ to us. As important and as wonderful as His sacrificial death for us is, it was in the resurrection that He conquered Satan and death. Many believers know little about His present ministry on our behalf at the right hand of the Father. Paul tells us as we read the Scriptures with the veil lifted - it is lifted in Christ - we receive transforming power and are conformed to His image. We know much about His sufferings. It's time to understand His heavenly ministry for us! Titles Included:
    1. The Transforming Power of His Glory
    2. Our High Priest
    3. Our High Priest Pt. 2
    4. Our High Priest Pt. 3
    5. The Many Facets of His Ministry
    6. The Many Facets of His Ministry Pt. 2
    Six part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • In this series Joe examines three aspects of God’s unfolding plan for this world. Stated simply, they are: The Father’s Purpose, the Son’s Provision and the Holy Spirit’s Power.  He looks at these things to see our need of the Holy Spirit’s ministry so that we cry out for Him and His ministry in us and to us. Titles Included: 1. Purpose, Provision and Power 2. Purpose, Provision and Power 3. Purpose, Provision and Power 4. A Finished Work 5. Purpose, Provision and Power 6. Purpose, Provision and Power Six part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • Far too many in the Church are living by an outward standard of righteousness derived from the Law of Moses. But the New Covenant is God working in our hearts and minds by the Spirit. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is God's New Covenant method for righteous living. It is a covenant of grace that we receive by faith. In the New Covenant the righteous are to live by faith, not by works done through human striving. Father wants His children to learn to live by the Indwelling! Titles Included: 1. The Heart of the New Covenant Pt 1 2. The Heart of the New Covenant Pt 2 3. The Heart of the New Covenant Pt 3 4. The Indwelling Pt 1 5. The Indwelling Pt 2 6. The Indwelling Pt 3 Six part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Don’t Blame God Series is based on "The Covenant God". Every Christian believes that God is sovereign. But how does He administrate His sovereignty? This series suggests that much popular teaching on the sovereignty of God is misguided and actually allows Satan to steal, kill and destroy. In order to allow a free response of love from His creations, God has opted to grant real freedom and the consequences of that freedom in this world. God is not responsible for the evil in the world and does not "allow' it for some mysterious purpose. Titles Included: 1. Asking the Right Questions 2. How Does God Exercise His Sovereignty 3. Is Spiritual Warfare Real and Is It Necessary 4. How Do We Explain the Existence of Evil 5. Can God Change His Mind 6. Can God Suffer Six part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • Titles Include:
    1. Four Aspects of Redemption
    2. What God Has Done for Us in Christ
    3. His Work in Us
    4. What Christ Is Doing for Us Now
    5. What God Does Through Us
    6. Walking It Out
    Six part series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:
  • Titles Included: 1. Faith and the Believer’s Inheritance 2. Faith and Believer’s Authority 3. The Law of Faith 4. The Object and Source of Faith 5. Revelation and Sense Knowledge 6. Faith and PMA, Positive Confession, Practical Issues Six part series as MP3’s. Outlines Included. Listen to a sample:        
  • The Grace and Faith series reveals the connection between the two. Faith is the hand that receives what the Grace of God freely offers. Your understanding of the wealth of Grace determines how much Faith you have and therefore how much you receive from God. If we are limited in our vision of Grace our Faith will remain small. But as we see all the Father has provided us through His Son, our vision is enlarged and our Faith is increased. There is no limit to your Faith because there is no limit to God's Grace. Titles Included: 1. God And Man Joining Hands 2. God's Overflowing Grace 3. Faith-The Hand that Receives God's Grace 4. Grace and Finished Work of Christ Part 1 5. Grace and Finished Work of Christ Part 2 6. The Father and His Son Six part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • Fighting the Good Fight of Faith is a series to encourage any who have been in a prolonged battle in their lives. The truths in this series were taught to Joe as he sought the Lord in his battle for healing. Faith gives substance to our hopes. Our hope is not based on circumstances or medical report, but on the goodness and faithfulness of God. Paul exhorts us to "lay hold on Eternal Life," the new life that we have received from the Father. If you are in a battle, this series will build you up and help you persevere in trust. Titles Included: 1. Entering the Battle Pt. 1 2. Entering the Battle Pt. 2 3. Entering the Battle Pt. 3 4. Necessity of Hope 5. Feeding On His Faithfulness 6. The Present Tense of Faith Six part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Praying with Apostolic Authority Series is about intercessory prayers that God wants to give us, what His Word says about it and what He wants to do with it. Much intercessory prayer in recent years seems to be begging God to do what His Word says He wants to do. Using the apostle Paul's prayers in Ephesians and Colossians as a foundation, this teaching encourages us to use these Holy Spirit inspired prayers as a model of what God already wants to do for us. The focus in these prayers is what God has done and will do in us rather than asking Him to do something in our culture or to send revival from heaven. Titles Included: 1. Praying with Apostolic Authority 2. Praying with Apostolic Authority 3. His Inheritance in the Saints 4. The Greatness of His Power 5. Supernatural, Miracle Ability 6. Supernatural, Miracle Ability -2 Six part series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:
  • Many believers don't realize that we are redeemed from the curse of the Law and are inheritors with Abraham in his promised blessing. Abraham's blessing was on every area of life: spiritual, physical, financial and relational. In Abraham's Seed - Christ Jesus - all the families of the earth are to be blessed. In this life! Understanding the blessing of Abraham opens up our minds to expect the Lord to do great things for us in remembrance of His covenant. Six part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • Divine Healing the Basics Series examines the Bible doctrine of healing as it is set forth in the Word of God. Many in the Church today, have had no systematic teaching on Divine Healing. The series also challenges many of the traditional ideas about healing and shows the Biblical response to these faith-destroying concepts. One woman reported that she was healed of cancer after listening to this series.
    1. The Source of Sickness
    2. Sin and Sickness
    3. Healing In Redemption
    4. Healing In Redemption Part 2
    5. Is Healing for All?
    6. Redeemed from the Curse of Sickness
    Six part series as MP3's.  Outlines are included. Listen to a sample:
  • The What To Do When the Heat’s On Series offers some practical steps to take in the time of testing. Challenging times always come. Jesus didn't promise us a life without trials. He did, however, promise us victory in our trials. Based on 1 Peter 5:6-10, Joe shares how to get through these times of hardship without caving in, but rather appropriating God's abundant grace to overcome. Five part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Two Realms of Creation Series explores how in Christ our ability to move in the spirit realm is restored and we are enabled to draw heavenly provisions into this world. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith perceives spiritual realities that our senses cannot perceive. Man was created to live in two realms but due to the Fall man lost his understanding of the spiritual realm. Titles Included: 1. The Heaven & The Earth 2. The Two Kinds of Faith 3. Locating the Provision 4. Receiving The Provision 1 5. Receiving The Provision 2 Five part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • Overcoming Territorial Mindsets is learning to use "coming in the opposite spirit" to overcome the influence of principalities and powers. Three primary principalities are examined and their influence on the saints. Jezebel, Python and Leviathan are the main spirits addressed in the series along with their accompanying underlings. Then the Biblical way of thinking and acting provided in our redemption is addressed. The believer is exhorted to not be overcome by evil but to overcome evil with good. We fight these battles from a place of victory, but ignorance is not bliss! Titles Included: 1. Discerning of Atmosphere 2. Futility 3. More of Jezebel 4. The Overthrowing of Legitimate Authority 5. Python & Leviathan Five part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Resurrection Faith series examines the New Testament writers focus on the resurrection and the consequent resurrection power that has been given to us. As wonderful and sacrificial as Christ's death for us is, the emphasis of the New Testament, particularly the book of Acts is on the resurrection and enthroning of Jesus at the right hand of the Father. The resurrection completely overthrew the forces of darkness and put them to an open shame. Our Lord's victory has been given to us as His joint-heirs. Titles Included: 1. Believe 2. Raised to Walk In Newness of Life 3. Effects of the New Life 4. Effects of the New Life 5. Releasing Your Faith Five part series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:      
  • The very important Blood Covenant Intercession series outlines the tremendous value of just one covenant-minded intercessor. If Abraham, in a covenant not as good as ours, could have saved Sodom and Gomorrah had there been just 10 righteous in the city, what could a New Covenant intercessor accomplish by the blood of the Everlasting Covenant? This series looks into the answer to that question. Five part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • In the Forgiveness and Healing series, Joe McIntyre discusses how one of the great stumbling blocks to healing is unforgiveness. Sometimes people find it very difficult to face and deal with what others have done to them. It is necessary in many cases to resolve these issues in order to receive healing. Forgiveness is "enlightened self-interest". Five part series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:
  • The Key Messages for Intercessors series was born out of a desire to empower Northwest intercessors to rise up into their full potential as prayer warriors. Pastor McIntyre exposes the enemy of the advancing church, it's personal and territorial aspects. Titles Included: 1. Territorial Aspects of Jezebel 2. Jezebel and the Prophetic 3. Jezebel - The Prophet's Nemesis 4. NW Intercessors Gathering Four part series as MP3's. Listen to a sample:
  • The Who We Are In Christ audiobook is a must have for any believer. We must know who we are in Christ if we are going to succeed in the Christian life. We are part of God's New Creation. Discovering who we are and what we have in Christ establishes our lives on a solid foundation. Many in the church today struggle with a sense of unworthiness and inadequacy. They are aware of all their weaknesses and shortcomings. They have very little confidence toward God because they think He regards them in the light of their failures (Or, perhaps we should say darkness). God has changed the nature of man. The greatest miracle that God does is the New Birth. God, our Father, takes out of us the nature that was antagonistic to Him by sending it to the Cross with Jesus, then makes us alive together with Him in His resurrection. "Old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new. And all things are of God." (2Cor. 5:17, 18) This book points believer to the liberating truths surrounding what our Father has done for us through the finished work of Christ. Who and what we are is now perfectly acceptable to our Father. Righteousness is His gift to us. We are His workmanship, recreated in Christ. We have entered into the reality of our Eternal Identity in Christ. But do we know deeply it enough for it to change the way we talk and live? This book gives us the tools to make these Realities workable in our lives. This is the full audiobook on MP3.
  • In the Avoiding Prophetic Pitfalls Series, Pastor Joe McIntyre discusses how prophetic people and intercessors can avoid common mistakes that cause leaders to distrust them. Many prophetic people and intercessors fall into ideas that hinder their effectiveness and cause leaders to distrust them. Learn how to develop a good relationship with leaders who aren’t prophetic and are suspicious of intercessors. Two part series as MP3’s. Listen to a sample:
  • The Dominion sermon series, recorded in 1983, is another example of how God's truths are timeless. This series will help you go from feeling feeling powerless to empowered. Defeated to victorious. Fearful to bold. And confident that your efforts to grow in your faith will be fruitful and not futile. In Joe's words: "About 10 years ago [1973], I was a spirit-filled, born again Christian … failure. Completely defeated. Knowing that Jesus was the truth but not having any idea how in the world to make it work. Not having any idea why I didn’t have any victory, why I didn’t have any power, why I didn’t have any boldness, why I didn’t have anything that the New Testament described. And I was sincere, and I really wanted to please God, and I was doing everything I knew to do to please God, it’s just that I didn’t know the right things to do. But I was sincere. And I was sincerely deceived by traditions of man, and felt sincerely defeated by the devil." Then, he had an encounter with the Lord and was directed to scriptures that empowered the believer to take dominion over enemy's influence in his life, and it changed everything. “Lord this is what I’ve needed to know! This is what I’ve needed to understand!”     This is sermon 6 in the six-sermon series. Dominion is a part of the Vintage Joe Vault, a selection of recordings from the 1980s converted into mp3 that represent "quintessential Joe" teachings -- revelations from the Lord, rooted in scripture, which shaped his ministry.
  • The Dominion sermon series, recorded in 1983, is another example of how God's truths are timeless. This series will help you go from feeling feeling powerless to empowered. Defeated to victorious. Fearful to bold. And confident that your efforts to grow in your faith will be fruitful and not futile. In Joe's words: "About 10 years ago [1973], I was a spirit-filled, born again Christian … failure. Completely defeated. Knowing that Jesus was the truth but not having any idea how in the world to make it work. Not having any idea why I didn’t have any victory, why I didn’t have any power, why I didn’t have any boldness, why I didn’t have anything that the New Testament described. And I was sincere, and I really wanted to please God, and I was doing everything I knew to do to please God, it’s just that I didn’t know the right things to do. But I was sincere. And I was sincerely deceived by traditions of man, and felt sincerely defeated by the devil." Then, he had an encounter with the Lord and was directed to scriptures that empowered the believer to take dominion over enemy's influence in his life, and it changed everything. “Lord this is what I’ve needed to know! This is what I’ve needed to understand!”     This is sermon 5 in the six-sermon series. Dominion is a part of the Vintage Joe Vault, a selection of recordings from the 1980s converted into mp3 that represent "quintessential Joe" teachings -- revelations from the Lord, rooted in scripture, which shaped his ministry.
  • The Dominion sermon series, recorded in 1983, is another example of how God's truths are timeless. This series will help you go from feeling feeling powerless to empowered. Defeated to victorious. Fearful to bold. And confident that your efforts to grow in your faith will be fruitful and not futile. In Joe's words: "About 10 years ago [1973], I was a spirit-filled, born again Christian … failure. Completely defeated. Knowing that Jesus was the truth but not having any idea how in the world to make it work. Not having any idea why I didn’t have any victory, why I didn’t have any power, why I didn’t have any boldness, why I didn’t have anything that the New Testament described. And I was sincere, and I really wanted to please God, and I was doing everything I knew to do to please God, it’s just that I didn’t know the right things to do. But I was sincere. And I was sincerely deceived by traditions of man, and felt sincerely defeated by the devil." Then, he had an encounter with the Lord and was directed to scriptures that empowered the believer to take dominion over enemy's influence in his life, and it changed everything. “Lord this is what I’ve needed to know! This is what I’ve needed to understand!”     This is sermon 4 in the six-sermon series. Dominion is a part of the Vintage Joe Vault, a selection of recordings from the 1980s converted into mp3 that represent "quintessential Joe" teachings -- revelations from the Lord, rooted in scripture, which shaped his ministry.
  • The Dominion sermon series, recorded in 1983, is another example of how God's truths are timeless. This series will help you go from feeling feeling powerless to empowered. Defeated to victorious. Fearful to bold. And confident that your efforts to grow in your faith will be fruitful and not futile. In Joe's words: "About 10 years ago [1973], I was a spirit-filled, born again Christian … failure. Completely defeated. Knowing that Jesus was the truth but not having any idea how in the world to make it work. Not having any idea why I didn’t have any victory, why I didn’t have any power, why I didn’t have any boldness, why I didn’t have anything that the New Testament described. And I was sincere, and I really wanted to please God, and I was doing everything I knew to do to please God, it’s just that I didn’t know the right things to do. But I was sincere. And I was sincerely deceived by traditions of man, and felt sincerely defeated by the devil." Then, he had an encounter with the Lord and was directed to scriptures that empowered the believer to take dominion over enemy's influence in his life, and it changed everything. “Lord this is what I’ve needed to know! This is what I’ve needed to understand!”     This is sermon 3 in the six-sermon series. Dominion is a part of the Vintage Joe Vault, a selection of recordings from the 1980s converted into mp3 that represent "quintessential Joe" teachings -- revelations from the Lord, rooted in scripture, which shaped his ministry.
  • The Dominion sermon series, recorded in 1983, is another example of how God's truths are timeless. This series will help you go from feeling feeling powerless to empowered. Defeated to victorious. Fearful to bold. And confident that your efforts to grow in your faith will be fruitful and not futile. In Joe's words: "About 10 years ago [1973], I was a spirit-filled, born again Christian … failure. Completely defeated. Knowing that Jesus was the truth but not having any idea how in the world to make it work. Not having any idea why I didn’t have any victory, why I didn’t have any power, why I didn’t have any boldness, why I didn’t have anything that the New Testament described. And I was sincere, and I really wanted to please God, and I was doing everything I knew to do to please God, it’s just that I didn’t know the right things to do. But I was sincere. And I was sincerely deceived by traditions of man, and felt sincerely defeated by the devil." Then, he had an encounter with the Lord and was directed to scriptures that empowered the believer to take dominion over enemy's influence in his life, and it changed everything. “Lord this is what I’ve needed to know! This is what I’ve needed to understand!”     This is sermon 2 in the six-sermon series. Dominion is a part of the Vintage Joe Vault, a selection of recordings from the 1980s converted into mp3 that represent "quintessential Joe" teachings -- revelations from the Lord, rooted in scripture, which shaped his ministry.
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